In 1979, June was declared by President Carter to be Black Music Appreciation month (changed in 2009 by President Obama to African-American Music Appreciation Month). I was 17 back then and we were moving on the Groove Line. Loved listening and boogie night dancing at the disco to Ohio Players, Heatwave, Lakeside (It’s All the Way Live), Parliament-Funkadelic and everyone knew who Roger Troutman was! If you want to know about how Dayton was/is the center of the funk universe click here. Who didn’t watch Soul Train??
Music unites us as a community. Let’s embrace all things the pull us positively together. The beats and sounds of these genres influenced rock, soul, gospel, swing, be-bop, boogie-woogie, and other genres of music. In the 1970’s, when people were struggling as a nation, this music brought an entire generation together.
So this June put your funk on and listen to some great music. Head on down to E. 3rd and visit The Funk Music Hall of Fame & Exhibition Center. In his 2016 proclamation, Obama noted that African-American music and musicians have helped the country “to dance, to express our faith through song, to march against injustice, and to defend our country’s enduring promise of freedom and opportunity for all.” There is something about music that seems to bring us closer to each other and help us come together as a community and that we need a lot of that this month.
BTW- we have a DJ for the block parties, just sayin’ 🙂