Welcome to our Community Resources where we add resources to help with everyday challenges and opportunities. If you have a resource to share with others please contact us.
More community resources for Montgomery County can also be found here: https://www.mcohio.org/COMMUNITY%20RESOURCE%20GUIDE.pdf
Youth Resource Center
The Youth Resource Center is a place for Montgomery County youth, ages 14 to 24, to get connected to resources to help them attain their education, employment and health goals. Call 937-496-7987, email youthresourcecenter@mcohio.org or stop by! The Youth Resource Center is located inside The Job Center (Map), 1133 S. Edwin C. Moses Blvd., in Dayton. They are also open Monday-Friday from 9:00 am- 6:00 pm

Brunner Literacy Center
The Brunner Literacy Center provides one-on-one tutoring to adults (over the age of 19) who wish to improve their reading, writing, math, or English language skills as they work toward goals such as earning the GED, becoming a U.S. Citizen, getting a job or job promotion, or simply improving their quality of life through improved literacy. There is no charge for tutoring services or materials. New students are assessed and assigned a tutor based on their literacy needs.
Hours of Operation:
Monday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. by appointment at the Salem Avenue site
Other hours and sites available.
4825 Salem Avenue
Dayton, OH 45416
(937) 567-9600
Clothes That Work
Clothes That Work provides interview and workplace appropriate attire to unemployed and underemployed women, men, and teens seeking independence. Job seekers looking to receive services from their Coaching & Clothing Program should seek a referral from Clothes That Work’s network of workforce development partners and then call to schedule an appointment. Referred clients will have a personal client coach who will help them select an appropriate outfit at no cost.
Once a client has secured a job, they are eligible to return to Clothes That Work to receive an additional three to four outfits at no cost.
The Clothes That Work Boutique requires no appointment and is open to the public. Located directly across from the Clothes That Work office in The Job Center, the Boutique sells brand name clothing, shoes and accessories for both men and women. All Boutique proceeds benefit Clothes That Work.
Workplace Clothing Program Hours:
Monday – Friday, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Boutique Hours:
Monday – Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Thursday, 10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (Winter Hours on
Thursday are 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.)
Friday, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Every second Saturday, 9:00 a.m. – noon
1133 South Edwin C. Moses Boulevard, Suite 392
Dayton, OH 45417
(937) 222-3778
East End Community Services
Family and Job Connections provide multiple types of assistance to adults in order to improve their quality of life and move them toward self-sufficiency. Services range from helping families in meeting their basic needs through emergency assistance and resource supports to providing job assistance such as resume development and applications.
Below is a summary of services:
- Referrals to food pantries and other emergency organizations
- Prevent Blindness Ohio
- Connection to secondary and post-secondary education
- Ohio Benefit Bank
- Resume Development
- Job searching/ Job applications
- Job applications
- Occupational trainings
To learn more about the program, please contact Dan Poling at 937-259-1898. 624 Xenia Avenue Dayton, OH 45410 www.east-end.org
Preschool Promise
Preschool Promise helps families find and afford quality Preschool for their 4-year-old child, regardless of income. All eligible families receive tuition or co-pay assistance to a participating Star-Rated preschool in Dayton or Kettering. Some of our partner preschools are even free!
Hours of Operation:
Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
4801 Springfield St
Dayton, OH 45431

Online Learning Resources

Are you a supporter of afterschool and summer learning programs?

West Side Food Insecurity
Mobile Food Day Event: Friday, November 22, 2019

Fifth and final week of Lent

Fourth week in Lent

Third Week in Lent

Second Week in Lent

First Week in Lent

Mobile Food Pantry #9….over 42,700 lbs of food distributed so far

Mobile Food Pantry #7….over 29,500 lbs of food distributed so far

Mobile Food Pantry #8….over 39,200 lbs of food distributed so far

Mobile Food Pantry #6….over 24,000 lbs of food distributed so far

Mobile Food Pantry #5….over 16,000 lbs of food distributed so far

Mobile Food Pantry #4….over 11,000 pounds of food delivered so far

Mobile Food Pantry #3…over 7,000 pounds distributed so far

Dakota Center After School program excels with fruit and vegetables

Dayton Daily News — Meredith Moss Column — July 19, 2018 — Garden Project
App for mental health treatment and services.

2021 Family Resource Guide with agency and contact information

Servant Leader Internships

Senior’s Best Friend