We welcome those who live in the zip codes on our flyer!

The Dakota Center has chosen to become a community food pantry. The recent changes to the SNAP program will lead to more food hardship. If you don’t have enough nutritional food, you can not realize your full human potential. More than 75,000 people in Montgomery County and those living in the zip codes we are serving are food insecure.
We have seen food pantries and food banks are life-changing, life-saving organizations for the tens of thousands of people who face hunger every day right here in Dayton OH. We also know government benefits do not always cover the rising cost of food, and many families or individuals in our neighborhood who are unable to afford food regularly are getting farther behind because of inflation. We are excited to join other food pantries on the westside of Dayton who fill in the gaps where people would otherwise fall through the system’s cracks.