Is it ok to come out? Part 1

52 weeks ago was the last week of full programming before being shut down by the lockdown. We stayed closed for 60 days and reopened on a modified COVID schedule of M-F, 10a-2p. We operated an in-person Summer Camp averaging 22 elementary aged children last July. Since last July through last month we have delivered over 360 hours of direct in-person program to our senior adults. By God’s grace and mercy we have no reported cases of COVID or reported falls from our seniors.

Our senior program returned to full in person programming 4 days a week back at the beginning of February and we are hoping to get our afterschool children back in person as well.

Physical distancing may provide relief for people with social anxiety, but a lack of interaction can also maintain social anxiety. After the world sheltered in place for almost a year now, it is not surprising a reported 45 percent of Americans say the current public health crisis has worsened their mental health, according to a recent study by the Kaiser Family Foundation.

And now that more of us are leaving our homes, returning to work, and eating at restaurants, our collective level of shared anxiety is likely to increase.

The Dakota Center is expanding our hours of operation on March 15, 2021. Our new hours of operation are M-F, 10a-5p.