2021 Community Block Parties

Meet, Greet, and Eat with your neighbors

Dakota Center is hosting 4 Block Parties this summer. We are
providing grilled hotdogs, hamburgers, chips/pretzels and
beverages. We have a DJ for entertainment and activities for the
kiddos. Everyone is welcome. The time is 5p-7p on these dates:
June 10 (11 rain date),
June 21 (22 rain date),
July 9 (10 rain date) @ Wesley Community Center,
July 16 (17 rain date) @the Boys and Girls Club.
For more information go to www.dakotacenter.org
or call (937) 469-8039

Party Time is 5:00pm to 7:00pm

Come prepared for food, drinks, and activities.

Please bring a smile. Event is outdoors so prepare accordingly. Rain date is in ( ) should the scheduled date get rained out. If it rains on the rain date we move on to the next scheduled date. The first time through the food is on us. Those who return will be charged a small amount.