2018 2019 Early June 2021 Early June 2021 Late July 2021 Late July 2021 — Pumpkin Patch harvest time!
Between the heat, the bugs, and torrential downpours simply being outside in the summer time isn’t much fun, let alone spending hours in the garden. But this summer feels different. In the summer’s heat, a social uprising and a frightening pandemic are causing us to rethink our actions in search of better ways to deal with these challenging times. I must admit the discipline of gardening is a calming companionship (just don’t tell anyone I said that!).
In these times of isolation and social distancing, a garden can be a refuge for contact with nature, with gardening and other outdoor activities serving as an effective therapy to keep us both physically and mentally strong. Appreciating the colors and fragrances of flowers is calming, while watching the activities of birds, insects and other wildlife is not only fun but a soothing distraction from the constant barrage of often disturbing news. Using your garden as a primary source for vegetables is rewarding in itself, enhancing both physical health and mental well-being.
The Dakota Center Community garden will make it through this summer once again yielding the bounty of the land. We are excited about the next growing season when our community returns to experience the wonder of gardening. Gardening offers lots of benefits to kids and families. Through gardening, children learn to be responsible by caring for their own plants. It’s also a great way to help them learn about and develop an appreciation for science. Another health benefit is that gardening encourages healthier eating. Not to mention, it’s a great activity for family bonding.