Summer Camp 2022 is a wrap

We wrapped up our summer enrichment camp on Friday, July 15th. Wow, what a fast five weeks. The campers were awesome and really enjoyed the experience. Yes, we worked on reading and math skills to keep the summer slide to a minimum. We averaged ~24 campers per week. Outside academic acitivites, the campers really enjoyed Thursday and Friday. Thursday was swimming and Friday was Field Trip Friday (FTF).

Big Cats…..

Each Friday was a unique experience. We visited the Montgomery County Courthouse, Treasurer Office (they are leading our financial literacy offering during the academic year) and the Board of Elections. Local parks like Possum Creek and Island Park were outdoor activities and our last FTF was to the Columbus Zoo.

Sleeping Big Cat

We took 40 people (32 campers and 8 adults) to the zoo. We left at 9:30am and got back at 4:30pm. It was a hot day but the animals were out and all of us had a great time looking at the many exhibits. For a few of our campers, they had never been out of Dayton and were just excited to go on a road trip.

Silver Back- not interested in getting his picture

That is what is so great about FTF. It is a day filled with many opportunities to learn and grow no matter what your age is. We are so grateful to offer such experiences and open young minds to new things. We want to thank our youth leaders, adult leaders, staff, and parents for their hard work in making this year’s camp a success. Five weeks flew by and everyone was healthy, happy, and hungry for more.

Carousel Animals were fun too