On Saturday, October 8, 2022, twenty-seven UD students showed up to help put our community garden to bed for the season and spruce up the landscape. We had 2 groups of students who worked from 8am to 1:30pm amassing 148 work hours. Wow.

The majority of them from The River Stewards. Learn more about them by clicking here. This incredible program is housed in the Fitz Center for Leadership in Community. They have partnered with us to help deepen our understanding of the environment and civic engagement.

The rest of them we part of UD Service Saturday. To learn more about them click here. The word service is actually an acronym: Social, Enriching, Rewarding, Valuable, Inspiring, Community-oriented and Effective. We experienced each one on a deep level.

Thank you, University of Dayton students, for making The Dakota Center part of your Saturday morning. The work you did is very much appreciated!