Community Christmas Party

It was a beautiful day for our annual Community Christmas Party. Once again, we reached our limit of 100 registrations taking a total of 106 this year. To that number we had 295 children. Over 400 people in the community were served by this year’s event.

Checking the list

Dakota Street would like to thank believers Church fellowship 3010 McCall Street pastor Williams Mr. and Mrs. Pamela Jackson for the donation hats, scars gloves mittens and socks. May the hope the Peace of joy the love represented by the birth in Bethlehem.

This year Santa’s bag included a full chicken, frozen vegetables, a $25 Kroger Card, age-appropriate gifts and a ‘stocking’ filled with games, toys, stuffed animals, candy, and other fun stuff.

We want to thank Oakwood United Methodist Church for contributing to our ‘stockings’. Lead Pastor Rick Jones and some of his members for blessing us with their generosity. We also want to thank Dayton Alumni Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation and Martin Jackson for making a cash donation for the gifts.

Lead Pastor Rick Jones
Omega Psi Phi

Omega Psi Phi continues to be on the front line leveraging its power since the humble beginnings on the Howard University campus, The Dakota Center thanks you all for the donation of toys for our Community Christmas Party.

The Dakota staff rocked it as always and we had a great time playing Christmas music in the parking lot over our new PA system speakers. Santa was passing out candy canes and all our volunteers enjoyed a late lunch of pizza while putting everything way. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!