Summer Camp 2022

We opened Summer Enrichment Camp on Monday, June 13th and the last day is Friday, July 15th. We are following our format from 2019 using Lit Camp* as our curriculum. We focus on academics M-W, then Thur morning is dedicated to an enrichment activity then off to the swimming pool. Friday is a unique field trip. Our enrolment goal is 45 campers. We opened the enrollment for summer camp Friday, April 22nd.

We are averaging about 20 campers per day. Our enrollment maxed out at 26 (so far with 3 more weeks to go we might pick up a few more). The children are very excited and engaged in the camp activities and really like using the new Chromebooks we now have.

Caroline Bishop

A really great aspect is one of our section leaders. She is a sophomore at Notre Dame and her internship at The Dakota Center is being sponsored by the Notre Dame Club of Dayton. I received this in an email from her a few days ago, “First of all, I just wanted to thank you and let you know that I have had a really great experience helping out with Summer Camp so far and learning more about the mission of the Dakota Center. I feel like I’m typically seen in my most chaotic moments, but I have really enjoyed all of the children a lot and I think it has changed me for the better. In fact, I have gained such an interest that I have actually picked up a minor at Notre Dame called Education, Schooling, and Society to add onto my Psychology major. I am really grateful that I have had this experience to help me deepen and learn more about my passions and interests.” We are blessed to have Caroline Bishop with us this summer and think we may see more of her even after her internship is concluded in August.

* LitCamp is a breakthrough literacy program that combines innovative lessons with an engaging and interactive summer camp approach. Students will make reading, writing, and social-emotional gains that they’ll carry back to school in the fall. LitCamp offers learning models for in-school, hybrid, digital, and Spanish instruction.

Literacy Skills: Students strengthen their reading and writing muscles by mastering fluency, comprehension, analysis, and reflection

Social-Emotional Development: Students embrace the power of their own voice while increasing resilience, empathy, and a positive sense of self

Engagement: Students build reading and writing stamina, motivation, independence, and leadership.