In the past, when thinking about gardening and farming, images of the countryside filled with rows of vegetables is what would come to mind. But the times are changing. More and more of our local food production is going on in our urban centers. In fact, according to the USDA about 15% of the world’s food supply is now grown in urban centers. And this trend is forecasted to increase as the world’s population is expected to become even more of an urban dwelling one.
Regenerating the Dakota Center’s urban garden was the focus the fall of 2018. The plan was to transform the area into an inviting, engaging community space. The top picture on this page is where we began so we have a way to mark how far we can make it before the snow flies.
“Community ownership of the garden will bring the community together while providing a space that promotes hands-on learning,” Mike Miller, Ex. Dir of Dakota Center, explains. “The layout proposed creates functional and independent components that will allow the community members to determine how to utilize each section. It is the hope that this garden will serve as a model for enrichment programs that will provide the community the opportunity to learn about gardening, nutrition, and healthy living in a sustainable ecological system. “
An integrative curriculum is being developed in conjunction with the garden designed to incorporate both structured and experiential learning by expanding our outdoor space for comfort, convenience, and community building.
For more information about volunteer opportunities, please contact our volunteer coordinator at Volunteerac@dakotacenter.org.