Golf Outing FORE-WARD

Last Saturday, Dakota Center held its first golf outing.  The weather was beautiful and Larry Price, Head Pro at Madden, was an excellent host.  Thank you to Ms. V’s Restaurant for feeding the hungry participants.   For those who stuck around to the very end, thank you for your willingness to take a quick picture.We were able to reach a goal and that was to help fund a child for the 2019 Summer Enrichment Camp.  This 6 week scholarship will help the selected family in so many ways beyond financial.  For our scholarship children, they receive 240 hours in a safe, secure, character building, and enriching environment with programming designed to educate the whole person.  When we give back to our community we invest in the next generation to help them understand how we are all connected.

For over a half a century, Dakota Center is the MacFarlane Neighborhood community center.  We are proud of our history and how the center stood watch over the past five decades.  We have always encouraged bringing together various people from diverse backgrounds.  The heart of what we do is to serve the local community.  We must give back as well so look for next year’s outing at Madden Golf Course.

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