West Side Food Insecurity

In West Dayton’s Food Desert, The Dakota Center is trying to make a difference and help out the community. As a member of the West Dayton Food Access Collective Impact Project, the center is a project meeting and training facility, a urban garden site for food production, food security, nutrition education side, an awareness education site AND THIS YEAR THE SITE OF HOMEFULL’S SEED ROOM. All the food that is grown this year that Homefull is responsible for is starting RIGHT HERE.

Did you know:

West Dayton
African American-55,497
Total: 68,780
Major Groceries: 1

East Dayton
African American-3,546
Total: 47,483
Major Groceries: 3

Both East Dayton and West Dayton have their fair share of local convenient stores but with 21,297 more people in West Dayton, you would think they would have more than 1 major grocery store serving sustainable food sources. Within 3 zip codes there is only 1 store to serve the community and for some it is way out of reach.